Thursday, July 3, 2008

23 Things

I really enjoyed this project. Somethings were a little frustrating, but I did keep trying until I figured it out. I found lots of new tools that I didn't know about, and will continue to use. I like the photo hosting sites the best. Photography is a hobby of mine and these sites are very useful. I think the goal that I was afraid of (number 4) is not so scary any more. I have more confidence in trying new things, and I don't think it will be so hard now. If I can't do somthing I will just have to keep trying until I get it.

I would definately participate in other discovery programs that the library might offer in the future.

Thanks, this was fun.

Digital Audiobooks

I like the digital audio books, it was very easy to find something to listen to. I had to download the OverDrive Media Console, and it was a little confusing, but not to bad. Once I got that done, it was very easy to download the book I wanted. I checked out Blasphemy by Douglas Preston. It took a very long time to download though and I use dsl at home. But other than that I like it. I wish I could burn it to a cd so I could listen to it in the car. It would also be nice if I could listen to it on my ipod. It is a little hard to listen to on the computer if other people are home, because they don't want to listen to it. (Especially my kids)


It took me a little while to find a podcast that I liked and that I could find the rss feed for it. I found one called "Authors on Tour". I tried to find one for a radio show that I like, but they didn't have one, at least not that I could find.


There were a lot of funny videos about libraries and librarians. Some where very long and some were not very appropriate. I chose this one because it seemed to represent every problem patron all in one person, and I thought everyone could relate to it. This could be useful for the library, you could have tutorials on how to use the computers, or short informational videos about services, and programs that the library offers.

The Problem Patron

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Web2.0 Awards

I checked out the categaory for start pages. I already use igoogle, but checked out the number 1 and number 2 sites. They seem pretty similar to each other, and they all use google to search which I thought was pretty interesting. I'm not really sure how this site could be used in a library though. I suppose you could set up a listing of subjects, and put the top rated information sites on it.

Zoho Writer

I created my own account at "". I think it is difficult to use, the whole thing doesn't fit on the screen and there are no scroll bars to move over. I tried uploading a picture to my project, but could not get it to work. There also are not very many fonts to choose from and some don't seem to work at all. The templates made it a little easier to use, but I think I will stick with Microsoft Office for as long as I can.