Friday, May 30, 2008


WebFeat is interesting. It brings back ALOT of information. I did a search on prostate cancer and found over 14,000 hits. Unless you are looking for something very specific, or a specific type of database, it might be too much stuff to wade through. It is nice to have all the databases in one place though.

Another Photo Generation

My creation
Originally uploaded by ChvyGrl

This is another photo I took. I like these tools, they're fun.


I like LibraryThing, it was pretty easy to use. I already have an account with one that is similar called "". I'm not sure which one I like better.
I did like the fact that in LibraryThing, I could add a widget. (It's in the sidebar.) I couldn't find anything like that in GoodReads. But GoodReads does have an RSS link.

My Photo Generation

My creation
Originally uploaded by ChvyGrl

I tried playing around with some image generators. Some were easier to use than others. I made this one on This is a photo I took of my son at the beach, and made it into little sqaures.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Well, where to begin? This was very frustrating. I couldn't find any feeds that I liked. I finally found three, outside of bloglines. (Once I asked a co-worker how.) I also have the same thing in Google Reader, which I think is much easier to use. I thought I would check out the Bloglines Beta, (maybe it would be better?) but it only works with Firefox (Huh?!?) Whatever that is. I'm hoping it will get easier the more I use it.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I think websites that host photos are a great idea. I love that you can share photos with friends and family easily even if they live far away. It is much easier than having to print out all the pictures and mail them.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

018_08 Chrome Azz

018_08 Chrome Azz
Originally uploaded by Dmans4t4

Wow, guess you should always carry your camera. What are the odds?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blogs and Libraries

I think blogs for liraries would be good. If you were looking for information or wanted opinions on a subject you could post a question and see what people think. You could aslo get help on where to find relevant information.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Seven and 1/2 Habits

I think the 7 & 1/2 habits are really good ones to have. I think the one I will have the most trouble with will be number 4; have confidence in yourself. I usually think I can't do something even before I try it. Like blogging. I have never done it before and I never wanted to try. I'm afraid that I will sound stupid.