Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I had fun on the PBCLS Wiki sandbox. It was also very easy to use and I enjoyed reading about other peoples favorite things.

So what's in a wiki?

I checked out the SJCPL Subject Guides and found it very easy to use with lots of useful information. Under the discussion tab there were a lot of links to websites that were of questionable content, definitely not suitable for children or some adults. Some subject discussions were actually discussions about the subject. The only problem I see with letting everyone post things is that someone is going to have to go through and check all the links. You could also post information that is not correct, like on wikipedia. A lot of the things you search for on wikipedia do not have source information to back up the content they are writing.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a wonderful way to get information. It makes it very easy to communicate with other people, and get answers to questions. I like that you can get up-to-date news and information as soon as it is available. I read the "Away From the "Icebergs"" article by Rick Anderson. I thought he made a lot of good points. If people can get any information they want from home, why bother coming to the library. The library definitely needs to keep up with what people NEED. If we can supply the places for them to find the information from home in a user friendly manner people will be more likely to use it. It is nice to go to one website and find links to everything you want, instead of having to search all over.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I did a search for http://www.pbclibrary.org/ and found 73 blogs relating to it. The majority of them were links to the mousercise and mousing around tutorial. Next I did a tag search for "web 2.0" and found 36,333 post. None of them were similar to each other. There were many different subjects with "web 2.0" in them. Some of them didn't seem to have anything to do with "web 2.0". Some of the related tags were not anything I would have used to search for information on "web 2.0". There were a bunch of them though; web-20, web2.0, Ajax, technology, web, Internet, tech, blogging, Google, and techcrunch. I'm not sure what some of these are like Ajax and techcrunch. I could not figure out how to tag my blogs though. I tried to follow their directions but I didn't understand it.

Friday, June 6, 2008


I really liked this website. I found it very easy to use. It was simple to set up my own account, I love that I can retrieve my bookmarks from anywhere. I also found a bunch of interesting ones that other people had saved. I didn't like that they want you to install it on your toolbar, which is okay at home, but not on other peoples computers. I think that it could be useful in research, you can enter a tag and find websites that other people found useful. If you don't always use the same computer (like at school or at the library) you would always have the information you were using available to you, and you wouldn't have a pageful of website written down, that you could forget to bring with you.